Science for Success

Science for Success team leader Dr. Rachel Vann (NC State) introduces this initiative, which is funded by the United Soybean Board.

Bringing soybean research to light!

U.S. farmers benefit from the practical research results that come from work funded by the soybean checkoff—national, regional, and state. Now, Science for Success is adding another element to the effort. The checkoff-funded program is amplifying access to timely, data-driven best management practices (BMPs) so farmers can better manage agronomic sustainability.

SCIENCE FOR SUCCESS efficiently gets up-to-date BMP research into U.S. soybean farmers’ hands through Extension publications, YouTube videos, podcasts, webinars, and more, to share the sustainable practice recommendations needed to optimize yield and protect quality.

The Science for Success partnership brings together 26 Extension specialists from land-grant institutions across the country, representing more than 80% of the U.S. soybean acres. These specialists contribute their own state-gleaned knowledge and research results to the program. as demands of the soybean industry change, the Science for Success team will collaboratively use proven research combined with historic results to adapt BMPs to future challenges.

Extension Materials

The Soybean Growth Cycle: Important Risks, Management, and Misconceptionsview PDF

The soybean crop must encounter various conditions across growth stages to optimize yields. Sensitivity to stress varies across growth stages, resulting in various risks, some of which can be mitigated through management. This publication discusses risk and management options across critical soybean growth stages from emergence through seed fill.

Soybean emergence – Dr. Michael Plumblee (Clemson University)
Soybean Vegetative Growth Stages – Dr. Hans Kandel (North Datoka State University)
Misconceptions on Vegetative Growth Stages – Dr. Manni Singh (Michigan State University)
Soybean Flowering – Dr. Shaun Casteel (Purdue University)
Misconceptions About Soybean Seed Set – Dr. Mark Licht (Iowa State University)
Misconceptions About Soybean Pot Set – Dr. Laura Lindsey (The Ohio State University)

Planting DateView PDF

Soybean Planting Date – Dr. Shawn Conley (University of Madison-Wisconsin)

Seeding RateView PDF

Determining the Optimal Seeding Rate – Dr. Seth Naeve (University of Minnesota)

Row SpacingView PDF

Soybean Row Spacing – Dr. Rachel Vann (North Carolina State University)

Foliar FertilizersView PDF

Project Summary – Foliar Fertilizers in Soybean Production – Dr. Emma Matcham (University of Florida)

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